Where did your heart go?

This photo of the playpark on the Middlefield Lane estate was taken in April 2008. It had been there in one form or another since the estate was completed. I went back to this spot in May 2011.

For some reason the park equipment had been removed. I spent many happy years playing on that park a very different world ago. Do children not live round here anymore, I wonder? Are they not allowed to have somewhere to play on this already deprived estate?


  1. Hi Ian, good one, good to see this up and running. I like the Memory Studies quote. Reminded me of the opening to Ravetz's Council Housing and Culture, and its reminder that a collective memory on the aspirations for council-houses development is fading, indeed are many now actually interested. Makes you feel old, but does set you on a mission as a historian. Best, Andrew.

  2. I used to play on that park at the back of The Green when I was a kid in the 60s

  3. Me too - would I know you?? I'd love to hear your memories about the estate.


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